FTP, which denotes File Transfer Protocol, is one of the most popular means for transmitting website files between a PC and a web server. Using FTP software such as FileZilla, you can connect to your web hosting account and drag ‘n’ drop files or whole directories in both directions and the software will cope with the rest. There are a number of pluses of using FTP, among them the ability to resume a download/upload when there’s a problem with the FTP connection and the option to set up different FTP accounts. With the latter option, you can set up FTP users that can connect only to specific folders in your hosting account, but no other folders, e-mails or other information, which makes it the perfect option especially when you need to grant a web designer access, for instance. You can also use an FTP account with famous web design tools like FrontPage or Dreamweaver and upload the web content that you have created directly from them, without any 3rd-party software.

FTP Accounts in Cloud Web Hosting

Our cloud web hosting packages will allow you to create numerous FTP accounts with just several clicks through the Hepsia Control Panel and to select what website files and folders each one can access. There isn’t any upper limit to the total number of accounts that you can create, so you can have as many as you need at any given moment. If you wouldn’t like to use a specific FTP account any longer or in case a web designer has fulfilled their task and you don’t want them to access your web content anymore, you can simply remove that account. The FTP section of the Hepsia Control Panel will permit you to see all currently existing accounts displayed in alphabetical order, along with various options, which you can access with a single click of the mouse. You’ll be able to edit the access path and the password, to download an auto-configuration file, etcetera. We also have in-depth help tutorials, which will help you administer your FTP accounts if you have to deal with any predicaments.

FTP Accounts in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Our Linux semi-dedicated packages are quite powerful, which makes them ideal for hosting a vast number of websites. Speaking of which, we have chosen not to set a restriction on the number of FTP accounts that you can create, so you can have a different FTP account for each Internet site that you host on our servers. All FTP accounts will be listed alphabetically in the respective section of the Hepsia Control Panel, which is included with each and every semi-dedicated account. For any of them, you will be able to see the access path and to edit it, if needed. Furthermore, you can set up the account in an FTP client of your choice by downloading an auto-configuration file and running it on your home PC, which will save you time. If you have never opened a web hosting account before, you can check out our detailed tutorial video clips, which are available in the exact same Control Panel section.

FTP Accounts in VPS Web Hosting

In case you open a Linux VPS web hosting packages with our company and pick any of the three Control Panels that we are offering – Hepsia, DirectAdmin or cPanel, an FTP server will be installed on your machine, since it’s an integral part of the basic software pack that comes with all Virtual Private Servers ordered with a Control Panel. This will allow you to create as many FTP accounts as you want and to define what folder each of them will access. If you want, you can even set up several accounts for the exact same domain name and give a number of persons their own log-in details to access the web content. Any of the three Control Panels will offer you the possibility to set up, to edit or to delete an FTP account in a couple of simple steps and with no more than a few clicks, so even in case you do not have any past experience, you will be able to manage an account without any efforts.